About Us

The Ridgefield Main Street Program is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the cultural heritage of Downtown Ridgefield, while advocating for its future, through economic development, community events, public and private partnerships, and unified branding and marketing of Downtown.

The Four Points of the Main Street Approach

The National Main Street Center and Washington Main Street Program offer a comprehensive commercial district revitalization strategy that has been widely successful in towns and cities nationwide. These points work together to build a sustainable and complete community revitalization effort.



Getting Main Street into top physical shape. Capitalizing on its best assets convey a positive visual message about the commercial district and what it has to offer.



Getting everyone working toward the same goal and assembling the appropriate human and financial resources to implement a Main Street revitalization program.



Sells a positive image of the commercial district and encourages consumers and investors to live, work shop, play and invest in the Main Street district.



Strengthens a community’s existing economic assets while expanding and diversifying the economic base creating a commercial district that responds to the consumers’ needs.

In Loving Memory of Stan Okinaka

Sm Okinaka

Stan Okinaka was known and a friend to so many in our community.

He served on the City of Ridgefield Planning Commission as well as the Main Street Board of Directors. He had been our Outreach Committee Chair as well as our Secretary. We remember him at the helium tank blowing up balloons and making root beer floats for Main Street Day. Mostly he enjoyed interacting and making connections with us all. He is loved and will be missed.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to create a sustainable, vibrant Downtown that is the heart and soul of our city by showcasing our unique destination and history, and by nurturing our sense of community.

Strategic Plan

We are proud to have engaged in a strategic planning process and share it with you. This process has enabled us to assess assets, evaluate projects and programs, and plan for the future with a broad lens and new perspective.

The Washington Main Street Program

Since 1984, the Washington State Main Street Program has been helping communities revitalize the economy, appearance, and image of their Downtown commercial districts. Using local resources and initiative, the state program helps communities develop their own strategies to stimulate long term economic growth and pride in the heart of the community – Downtown.

2025 Board of Directors

Kristen Riggs  |  Chair
Mike Lowrey |  Secretary
Steve Coxen |  Treasurer
Mike Bomar |  Past Chair
Renee Serface
Mayor Matt Cole
Ethan Perry
Dr. Jenny Rodriquez
Brigid Taylor
Scott Gix
Suzy Rylander

Marykay Lamoureaux   |  Executive Director
Rojean Parrish | Project Coordinator
Hailey Eggleston | Marketing Coordinator