Main Street Moola


Bonus Moola Weekends!!

Our Moola program directly supports our Downtown businesses!   We get it to you, you use it in our Downtown shops and restaurants then we reimburse merchants dollar for dollar for the Moola.  It’s like a gift card for Downtown!  If you have Moola, spend it!

Promotion planned through April 27, 2025 – as long as funding available.

Where’s that Moola??

We have a lot of Moola out there that has not been spent!! Tell us about where you found your Moola…sock drawer, did it go through the wash?  At the bottom of that bag or is it the car?  Find it and we’ll see you Downtown.

As of March 2025, this program has put over $75,000 into circulation in our Downtown.

How does it work?

Our very own Downtown “Currency”: works like a gift card, it can only be spent at Downtown stores and restaurants.

How is it distributed?

Two ways: RMS distributes it as prize money in drawings, contests, and events; and individuals and business purchase it to use as gifts or rewards.

How is it redeemed?

The store or restaurant accepts it as payment; to redeem they contact RMS and are reimbursed.

Businesses unable to accept Moola

Most stores and businesses accept Moola, with exceptions below:

  • Some Food Carts
  • Farmer’s Market Vendors